Friday, April 13, 2007


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Another criminally overlooked classic, this time from the great ASTROSONIQ. For those of you unfamiliar with this band, you're in for a treat. Influenced equally by SABBATH, HAWKWIND, and FUNKADELIC, ASTROSONIQ has a sound that's all their own. If I had to compare them to another band, it would have to be FATSO JETSON, but only in terms of experimentation and defying convention. Stoner rock isn't supposed to be this soulful. Awesome 110% kickass album, highly recommended to all G.O.M.E. regs. Highlight's include the KYUSS-esque opener, "Fistkick", the melodic "Pegasus" (which almost recalls U2's Zooropa phase), and a scorching cover of GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION's "Earthquake".

1. Fistkick
2. Afterlife Rules
3. Godly Pace
4. Earthquake
5. Pegasus
6. Ego Booster
7. Doomrider
8. You Lose


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