Alright, GOMIES (© Mighty Matias), I'm finally mellow enough to post some information regarding THE ELEVATOR SESSIONS. It isn't much, but here's the plan:
-- Everything at this point is merely speculative. I think I know what will work best, but Gordon and I are going to try it out on a cover of "Zombie Eaters". Like I said before, the best way to make this work is to share a sound editor. I'm in the process of sending Gordon some stuff (sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, bro...long day, then Big Biz/Melvins show!), and we'll see how it works from there. It's easier to all use the same sound editor because it enables us to transfer multi-track files, add and subtract from them EQ them, and mix them. When Gordon and I get "Zombie Eaters" knocked out, I'll hopefully be sending the file to our main man Jimmy Morbid, over at S2S, for some crazy keys. I don't want any of you to feel left out, this is just two or three dudes making a quick trial run in order to figure out how exactly we're going to make this happen.
-- Alright, so many of you have stepped up to contribute I can't even remember you all! I've kept the previous post bookmarked and will check the comments often. One of these days, when I'm not so fucking lazy, I'll post a roll call with contributors/instruments and all that jazz. 'Til then, I can honestly say that we need someone to step up and say "I'm a good singer"...or at least "I'm a good shouter/growler/screamer".
-- We also need drums. Or at least someone with the gear to program semi-believable tracks. I hate real mechanical-sounding drums, and I'm sure the G.O.M.E. Faithful does as well. If that's what we have to do, though, then we'll have to do it.
-- MORE BASS! Gordon is the man, and he stepped up first, but I doubt he wants to play bass on every song. If so, then fuck, it might as well be Worldwide Undergordon! I'm going to play a little bass, but we need you guys to speak up now and commit to the project.
-- Be patient. This is gonna be a long process. It'll be incredible when we're finished, but it's gonna take some time. I still need to get with a couple of my buddies, who are G.O.M.E. LURKERS (not FAITHFUL...fuckin' cunts), as well as X-Angel, when we finish "Zombie Eaters".
This shit is gonna rock!