If you've been hanging around G.O.M.E. for very long, then you know that we like to throw you the occasional curve-ball. This is one that I think a lot of you will dig...especially if you're familiar with the brilliance that is TURBONEGRO. I believe there is something for just about everyone here, as long as you're in on the joke. TN is all about being absolutely outrageous, and the bands here honor the originals accordingly. The G.O.M.E. Faithful will appreciate appearances from NASHVILLE PUSSY and a Homme/Oliveri/Grohl-powered QOTSA. Other great renditions come by way of HOT WATER MUSIC, PEEPSHOWS, MOTORPSYCHO, and the great THERAPY?.
1. Nashville Pussy - Age of Pamparius
2. Therapy? - Denim Demons
3. Amulet - Hate the Kids
4. Supersuckers - Get It On
5. Bela B. & Denim Girl - Are You Ready for Some Darkness?
6. Queens of the Stone Age - Back to Dungaree High
7. H.I.M. - Rendezvous with Anus
8. Satyricon - I Got Erection
9. Maryslim - No Beast So Fierce
10. Scot Free - Rock Against Ass
11. Nullskattesnylterne - Sailor Man
12. Hot Water Music - Prince of the Rodeo
13. Griffin - Bad Mongo
14. Zeke - Midnight NAMBLA
15. Peepshows - Just Flesh
16. Spacebitch - Don't Say Motherfucker, Motherfucker
17. Motorpsycho - He's a Grungewhore
18. ADZ - Good Head
19. The Dwarves & Splittin Wix - Hobbit Motherfuckers
20. Puffball - Zonked Out on Hashish
21. Motosierra - Hobbit Motherfuckers
22. Samesugas - (I Fucked) Betty Page
23. Ratos de PorĂ£o - Suburban Anti-Christ
24. Real McKenzies - Sailor Man
25. Toby Dammit - Prince of the Rodeo
I'm gonna take this opportunity to thank you guys for the fuckin' awesome blog you have going here
keep the good shit comin!
Hey man could you please put this back up? Please please please please please please?
Oh and the selftitled earthlings album too? :) Please please please please?
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