Alright, GOMIES (© Mighty Matias), I'm finally mellow enough to post some information regarding THE ELEVATOR SESSIONS. It isn't much, but here's the plan:
-- Everything at this point is merely speculative. I think I know what will work best, but Gordon and I are going to try it out on a cover of "Zombie Eaters". Like I said before, the best way to make this work is to share a sound editor. I'm in the process of sending Gordon some stuff (sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, bro...long day, then Big Biz/Melvins show!), and we'll see how it works from there. It's easier to all use the same sound editor because it enables us to transfer multi-track files, add and subtract from them EQ them, and mix them. When Gordon and I get "Zombie Eaters" knocked out, I'll hopefully be sending the file to our main man Jimmy Morbid, over at S2S, for some crazy keys. I don't want any of you to feel left out, this is just two or three dudes making a quick trial run in order to figure out how exactly we're going to make this happen.
-- Alright, so many of you have stepped up to contribute I can't even remember you all! I've kept the previous post bookmarked and will check the comments often. One of these days, when I'm not so fucking lazy, I'll post a roll call with contributors/instruments and all that jazz. 'Til then, I can honestly say that we need someone to step up and say "I'm a good singer"...or at least "I'm a good shouter/growler/screamer".
-- We also need drums. Or at least someone with the gear to program semi-believable tracks. I hate real mechanical-sounding drums, and I'm sure the G.O.M.E. Faithful does as well. If that's what we have to do, though, then we'll have to do it.
-- MORE BASS! Gordon is the man, and he stepped up first, but I doubt he wants to play bass on every song. If so, then fuck, it might as well be Worldwide Undergordon! I'm going to play a little bass, but we need you guys to speak up now and commit to the project.
-- Be patient. This is gonna be a long process. It'll be incredible when we're finished, but it's gonna take some time. I still need to get with a couple of my buddies, who are G.O.M.E. LURKERS (not FAITHFUL...fuckin' cunts), as well as X-Angel, when we finish "Zombie Eaters".
This shit is gonna rock!
I think I can pull off some awesome Richie Birkenhead style vocals (underdog, into antoher).
of course that would involve a fwe tall boys.
all right man! I was about to mail you..we got other resource now we could use that for sharing commenting and all you want, i'll try to post some the way, I already have half of a track, want a preview?
Heya bad brain, thanks for albums and your "means" about the stuff.
sweet, sounds like the ball is rolling, i'm ready to throwdown some geeeetar and percussion!
Rinjo-- Sounds good, man! I actually wouldn't mind covering an Into Another track, but that style of vocal could also work on some new shit I have cooked up.
Matias-- You're the man. Thanks for setting that board up. That'll be a real cool forum for exchanging files and ideas. I definitely want to hear your track.
Mike-- Sounds like you're ready, bro. What kind of percussion can you do? Full kit? We'll all get our guitar spots, but your percussion guys are going to have a lot of work!
X-Angel has all the software to make this happen, keep in touch with us. We can take any mp3, ogg, ect tracks, mix them, whatever and make it happen.
big jack,
i have some ethnic type stuff, djembe, bongos, an assortment of shakers and noise makers:)
would be cool to get some varied sounds going! it actually mends well with fuzz laden music.
Cheeto & X-Angel-- Hit me up at, and also please register at
Thanks for getting involved!
Mike-- Sounds like a plan, my friend. We will definitely need some djembe and bongs, and feel free to jump on any track you see fit. We'll need your guitar, too. Our main man Tyler "Behind the Scenes" Gein and I have been burning the midnight oil, working out the kinks on "Zombie Eaters". We'll be finished very soon, and this track is a great way to figure out how this project is going to work. I dig your enthusiasm, man, and I look forward to working with you on some kick ass jams. Make sure you register at so you can submit tracks and ideas!
And folks, I've got to say it again: The response to this idea has been absolutely overwhelming! When Matias dreamed it up and mentioned it to me, it sounded good. I thought we'd get five, maybe ten musicians interested in putting something together. I don't think either of us ever imagined so many of you would step up and get involved. This is a testament to your creativity and dedication to your craft, and I feel comfortable speaking for Matias and I both when I say we are not only encouraged by your participation, but inspired. This is a pretty revolutionary concept, and you guys are making it happen.
I knew I liked the "GOMIES", haha!
ok, signed up as "psilocybin"
I could do some Danzig-style wailing/howling vocals. Or maybe some crazy King Diamond falsetto shit.
I'm also pretty baked right now. But I could do it!
I hope this thing gets done (:
I'm a noise/electronic artist, so if you need, I can contribute some psychedelic trippy shit...
(I'll head over to and check it out)
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