This one's for Tito and X-Angel, but should appeal to a great deal of the G.O.M.E. Faithful. The download statistics don't lie, and EYEHATEGOD's Take as Needed for Pain is the second most downloaded record in the history of the blog, so TOADLIQUOR should fit right in. The Hortator's Lament can be described with one word: BRUTAL. Don't let the literacy and proggy nature of the song titles discourage you. While the album is actually a collection of previously-released wax-only tracks, with a few unreleased songs added for good measure, it plays like a concise LP. Highly recommended to G.O.M.E.'s sludgehead contingent, as well as open-minded doom enthusiasts who appreciate SOURVEIN, GRIEF, and the aforementioned EYEHATEGOD.
1. (Opening Sections of) Interstellar Space
2. Gnaw
3. Charred
4. Fratricide: A Requiem
5. Survival Is the Fittest
6. Swarm
7. Tenderloin
8. Nails
9. Also Sprach Zarathustra
10. Tatterdemalion: The Gladiators' Debasement Before Cain
11. (Second Continuing Sections of) Interstellar Space: Love
12. The Hortator's Lament
thanks so much for this. I've been looking for a while
wow, thanks!!!! sludge owns..
nothing works here, ehh
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