DISCLAIMER: If you don't recognize the mighty CLUTCH as the world's greatest band, then what the fuck are doing here? Get off my elevator, punk. Get away from my page. What's the matter with you? Are you a shandy-drinker? Huh? Do you like boys? Is that it? You like to fuck boys? Fuckin' punk, I bet you do. Get the fuck off my elevator, fuckin' pussy.
That said, here's a collection of CLUTCH demos from 2003. It actually plays like an album...This does not sound like a collection of demos, but rather like a rough album. Noteworthy are both "Homecoming", which eventually morphed into "Regulator" (my favorite CLUTCH song, based on an old SKIP JAMES track), and C!'s cover of FLOYD's "Money".
1. Black Van
2. Hoodoo Operator
3. Day of the Jackalope
4. Cattle Car
5. The Promoter
6. La Curandera (bad fuzz in the left channel...sorry!)
7. Willie Nelson
8. Walpole Man
9. Steve Ducie
10. Homecoming
11. Subtle Hustle
12. Funky Navajo
13. Giving up the Ghost
14. Money
thanks a lot for this incredible blog. this is exactly the kind of stuff i've been searching for. respect.
this page is amazing.could you please re up this one.
great blog of yours! Unfortunately the link to this archive is dead. Please re up. Thanks!
I have an incomplete version of this show I got from back in teh day before B Tyrant ever came out, a friend gave it to me. When I heard the (at the time) CLUTCH cd I was like: "I already have this..." its an incredible show. "Hands up for Tuesday!! Live Fast Die Young, Tuesday..." -Neil. Its in Allentown, Penn. He says so on the recording and it HAS to be 2002-2003, if your a fan you can piece it together. Anyone that wants it post an email or maybe I'll make an account just for this - Ive wanted to get it out to true fans for awhile but am not savvy on uploading. I'll check back in a couple days for links/emails.
1.An instrumental I CANT place - listened to every Bakerton Grp Song just now, Nothing, maybe I just know it from here but I dont think so...but is is SOOOO sweet, and a very good deep bass-ey recording. NICE.
2.Cattle Car
3.The Funky Navajo
4.Promoter (no The)
5.Sea of Destruction (introduced as a "new song, well not that new..."
7.Walpole Man
8.Willie Nelson
9.La Curandera (and it does have a little static, but its only for 30 sec or so and its not that bad)
10.Cross Eyed Mary (and it IS live, not the studio "Sucking The 70's Vol.I" CD Version)
Any hardcore CLUTCH deciple HAS to have this!
and I posted that last one now 2011 July - anyone out there?
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