I regretfully inform the G.O.M.E. faithful, including the three or four who've actually posted messages since the re-vamp, that the launch of ELEVATED RADIO has been postponed yet another week. I wish I could honestly blame technical difficulties, but I seem to have those particular bugs worked out. No, this delay is due 100% to Big Jack's frustration after spending hours and hours working out those bugs. This gives me a few extra days to tweak it, though, and from next Monday forward, you can count on having it. I do apologize, but after losing two entire one-hour shows, my heart simply wasn't in it. Plus, I spent most of my weekend fucked up, thanks in part to the good captain's INNER HEAD FLIGHT ROYALE # 007.
Check throughout the week for the regular bounty of all that kicks arse, but prepare yourselves for next Monday's launch of ELEVATED RADIO.
I apologize for all the delays. This time, let's just blame it on the mourning of this classy lass:
Oh Anna, we hardly knew ye.
Hey! I'm pushing the button, but the elevator door won't open! Ha!
Looking forward to hearing ELEVATED RADIO. Sorry to hear about your technical difficulties. I know how that goes...
No rush, though... I'm still working my way through the vast bounty of tasty musical offerings you've posted over the last few weeks.
Listened to the QOTSA acoustic set today. Very cool!
Yeah, Cap, sad to say that fucker's jammed. I've been having some issues with the feed. I think I've got it straightened out, but we won't know 'til Monday. If it works - kickass rock for all, including new Fu Manchu and Alabama Thunderpussy tracks. If it doesn't - yet another "delay" post. I wonder if I shouldn't try to feed a trial-run through here before I go all over the web boasting about the launch.
Your stuff is top-shelf, man. Anyway I can talk you into giving Big Jack some tips?
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