Yes, 1974, and Yes a Fuzz storm from Africa, and thats all I will say about this record. Why did I post this "Ancient African completely unknown for the occidental world" record??? well, hear it and then, you tell me why....
Yeah baby!!! We made it to Facebook, just to let us know how many we are, and from wich part of this fucking planet we are, join us! leave comments, taunt whatever you fucking want Let's see how many of the stoner brotherhood we can gather...
Finally, something that I'm sure Cheeto hasn't posted on his blog. This time, an Argentinean completetly unknown band. In fact, they live a few blocks from home, I and didn't notice them till a few weeks ago... anyway listen this, this is very similar to the previous post, but with spanish singing.
The files posted on G.O.M.E. are hosted for a limited time only, and are by no means intended to be an alternative to purchasing CDs. While the large majority of music offered by G.O.M.E. falls into the Rare/OOP/H2F category, the occasional album is still commercially available, and G.O.M.E. encourages the lawful purchase of these recordings.